Announcing VideoVoice Collective!

vvc icon  VideoVoice is a new health advocacy methodology that  turns documentary film on its head. VideoVoice places digital video cameras in the hands of those who know their communities best, assisting them in communicating their ideas and visions.The VideoVoice Collective is composed of community members, academic researchers, visionaries and filmmakers. Through this community building process, these collaborators come together to collectively envision, film, edit, and disseminate films. Fundamentally, we work to achieve the broader goals of community capacity-building and empowerment, social justice, and the elimination of health disparities. By providing people in the community with digital cameras, VideoVoice facilitates:

1. Documenting community strengths and challenges,
2. Discussion on issues of importance in groups to promote critical consciousness and empowerment,
3. Horizontal communication with other communities, and
4. Vertical communication with policy- and decision-makers, institutional leaders, and program planners.

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